Menstrual Dysfunction Clinic
Our menstrual dysfunction clinic helps advise you on any irregular patterns in your cycle and provide solutions to any issues that you have where applicable.
Menstrual dysfunction is a term that refers to any unexpected changes to your typical menstrual patterns. Our team of healthcare professionals are here to help diagnose and treat any conditions that arise from menstrual dysfunction.
Menstrual Dysfunction Symptoms
Any of the following symptoms can be known as menstrual dysfunction:
-Abnormal bleeding / prolonged menstrual bleeding
-Amenorrhoea (the absence of menstrual bleeding)
-Light or infrequent periods
-Fibroids, non-cancerous uterine tumours
-Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which can cause both physical and emotional discomfort prior to periods.
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms and want to seek help, get in touch with our team.
Likely Methods of Treatment
Menstrual dysfunction treatment is unique to the individual and the nature of the dysfunction. For example, abbnormal or prolonged bleeding can typically be helped by oral contraceptives only when prescribed by the GP or a Gynaecologist. Meanwhile, light or absent periods can be helped by hormone therapy and lifestyle changes, which may be advised too.
Medical evaluation is always necessary to rule out any underlying conditions. Make sure to contact a medical professional if you are suffering from any of the symptoms above.
Period problems
Women can suffer from the following period problems which can cause a lot of disruption in their daily living:
-Painful periods
-Heavy or light periods
-Irregular periods
-The absence of periods altogether.
These problems can be treated with one of the following remedies:
-Insertion of Coil
-Hormone therapy or contraceptive pill
-Both are only advised and prescribed by a GP or Consultant Gynaecologist.
Book Your Appointment Now
If you are seeking help with menstrual dysfunction, make sure to contact our menstrual clinic now to schedule a consultation with one of our expert gynaecologists or call us on 028 9268 0940.
We understand that menstrual dysfunction symptoms can often be a cause for concern or personal discomfort. A session at our specialist clinic can help you better understand what the issue is and how it can be treated.

Dr Edgar Boggs
Consultant Gynaecologist

Dr Beverley Adams
Consultant Gynaecologist

Dr Andrew Know
Consultant Gynaecologist

Dr John Manderson
Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Sarah Morton
Specialist State Registered Dietitian (RD)
Women’s Health Clinic
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