Polyps & Fibroids Treatment

Polyps & Fibroids Treatment

Our clinic offers diagnosis and treatments for patients with uterine polyps and/or fibroids, helping you better understand the condition and treatment options available.

Very often uterine fibroids and polyps do not have any symptoms and are common growths of the uterus. In those who do have symptoms it can be influenced by the location, size, and number of polyps and fibroids. 

Some polyps and fibroids may resolve on their own or maybe not require any form of treatment if they are small and asymptomatic. They will be monitored as per the gynaecologist. This is called watchful waiting.

Uterine polyps

Appearance of uterine polyps may be linked to changes in hormonal levels. Each month the oestrogen levels rise, and fall causing the lining of the uterus to thicken and then shed during menstruation. Polyps form when too much of the lining grows. When they grow larger, uterine polyps treatment options may become necessary.

A woman might be at higher risk of polyps due to:


-High blood pressure 

-If they have been on the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.

Common Symptoms of Uterine Polyps are:​

-Heavy, painful, or irregular periods

-Vaginal bleeding after menopause 

-Frequency in urination 


-Pain in the stomach or lower back during intercourse 

-Bleeding between periods 

-Tiredness due to anaemia 

-Infertility problems

If you want to book an appointment with our gynaecological team, get in touch here or call us on 028 9268 0940.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps can be diagnosed and examined during a Transvaginal scan done in the outpatient setting at the patients first appointment with the Gynaecologist (this can be done if you are having your period on the day of the scan).

At this stage the consultant will decide whether a hysteroscopy is appropriate or not. Hysteroscopy will not be done on the same day as your initial outpatient appointment. There is a likelihood that the polyp will be removed during hysteroscopy procedure.

If there is a requirement for an endometrial biopsy the tissue will be sent to the labs for analysis.

Polyps Aftercare

You will come back to the clinic for a follow up appointment if deemed appropriate by the Consultant. At this appointment any specimen results will be discussed along with other matters related to your care. You will be discharged from the care of the Consultant if appropriate.


You will come back to the clinic for a follow up appointment if deemed appropriate by the Consultant. At this appointment any specimen results will be discussed along with other matters related to your care. You will be discharged from the care of the Consultant if appropriate.

Book Your Appointment Now

If you are seeking private polyps and fibroids treatment, contact us now to schedule a consultation with one of our expert gynaecologists or call us on 028 9268 0940.

Our polyps and fibroids specialists can help you with the consultation, diagnosis and treatment stages of the process, as well as provide any advice you require on the topic of uterine polyps and fibroids.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Consultant Gynaecologist

Consultant Gynaecologist

Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Specialist State Registered Dietitian (RD)

To book or to enquire about a treatment get in touch with us.

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028 9268 0940

8am – 6pm Mon to Fri

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