Our Clinic
Orthoderm clinic provides the very highest levels of streamlined medical and surgical care.
Established in 2007 and located in Hillsborough, Orthoderm helps patients across the full range of specialties including Dermatology, Orthopaedics, Urology, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Gynaecology, Rheumatology, Chronic Pain Management, Sport & Exercise Medicine, Physiotherapy, Dietetics and Paediatric Medicine. Working with top specialist consultants in Northern Ireland, we offer Outpatient appointments and Surgical Day Case Procedures. All surgeries are done under local anaesthetic. Wide-awake’ surgery does not require stoppage of medications and is very accessible to patients. Recovery from ‘wide-awake’ surgery is often quicker and less painful.
Please contact the clinic regarding a quotation for consultation fees or treatment prices. Following your initial consultation, further treatment, bloods, histopathology or procedures may be recommended by your consultant. We will provide you with quotations upon your request.
If you have any Covid-19 symptoms at the time of your appointment, please undertake a lateral flow test and if positive, you must not attend the clinic for 5 days (from symptoms started or from positive test). Please contact us to let us know.
To help us keep the waiting area spacious and not crowded, we encourage our patients to attend their appointments alone and as close to the allocated appointment time as possible.
Face coverings are no longer worn routinely by staff within the Clinic, however, our Clinical team will identify if there is a need for mask wearing depending on the patients in their care.
Hand hygiene is essential to reduce the transmission of infection in all areas within the clinic. In line with our policy, staff follow strict hand hygiene principles. We encourage all patients to sanitise their hands upon arrival using sanitisers provided. Alcohol hand gel and wipes are available in every area of the Clinic.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn for each clinical setting/ procedure as appropriate.
Patient Privacy Notice
Patient’s Guide & Information
Comments & Complaints Policy
Consultants Terms of Eligibility for Practising Privileges
Medical Advisory Committee
Patient Dignity Respect & Empathy Policy

State of the art equipment
Our new clinic has been fitted with a great range of top quality equipment and offers a wide variety of treatment rooms.
- Xray
- Theatre Facility for Local anaesthic
- Conference facilities
- Ultrasound Scan
- Laboratory
- Treatment room
- Physiotherapy
For more information please go to Alliance Medical.

Happy Patients
Orthoderm is approved by