Private Urology
028 9268 0940
Urologists diagnose and treat diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women. They also diagnose and treat anything involving the reproductive tract in men including their reproductive organs, prostate.
The urinary tract is the system that creates, stores, and removes urine from the body and Urologists can treat any part of this system. This includes kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, adrenal glands.
Some conditions may only last a short time, while others are long-lasting and can have a significant impact on your day to day life.
Our Private Urology Services
If you are concerned about any symptoms related to your urinary tract , our expert Consultant Urologists at our private healthcare clinic in Hillsborough can make a diagnosis and help you manage your condition, or recommend surgery to correct it. Our Consultants can also offer vasectomy or circumcision procedures.
NHS Referral
As well as our private Urology services we also provide our services to NHS patients via referral and see many of our patients this way. If you are referred to us by one of the NHS Trusts, we will call you to book an appointment. If you have missed a call from Orthoderm Private Clinic, please contact us.
When to see a Urologist
Common concerns for seeing a Urologist include:
– Blood in your urine;
– A frequent or urgent need to urinate;
– Pain in your lower back, pelvis, or sides;
– Pain or burning during urination;
– Trouble urinating;
– Urine leakage;
– A lump in the testicle.
Common Conditions
Urologists treat a wide variety of conditions that affect the urinary system and male reproductive system.
In men, conditions Urologists can treat include:
– Cancers of the bladder, kidneys, penis, testicles, and adrenal and prostate glands;
– Prostate gland enlargement;
– Interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome);
– Kidney stones;
– Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland);
– Urinary tract infections;
– Erectile dysfunction;
– Varicoceles (enlarged veins in the scrotum).
In women, conditions Urologists can treat include:
– Bladder prolapse (dropping of the bladder into the vagina);
– Cancers of the bladder, kidneys, and adrenal glands;
– Interstitial cystitis;
– Kidney stones;
– Overactive bladder;
– Urinary tract infections;
– Urinary incontinence.
Pricing of our Private Urology Treatments
Please contact the clinic regarding a quotation for consultation fees and treatment prices. We are always happy to advise on costs associated with treatment. Following your initial consultation, if further treatment, surgery or histopathology are required, an estimate of costs is available on request from your treating consultant or reception staff.
To make a private urology appointment call 028 9268 0940
Urology Surgical Procedures
At our private urology clinic we offer a range of surgerial treatments performed by our expert Urologists that include:
– Vasectomy
– Circumcision
– Flexible cystoscopy
– Preputioplasty
– Frenuloplasty
You can find out more about each of our urology surgical procedures below.
Vasectomy Treatments
A Vasectomy (male sterilisation) is the only method offering men a permanent contraception solution with over 99% effectiveness.
A private vasectomy is one of our most common urology surgical procedures and is performed under local anaesthetic, on a walk in walk out basis. Men opting to have a private vasectomy will be reassured to know that the procedure can be carried out in around 15 minutes by our Consultant Urologists.
A vasectomy may be appropriate for you if:
– You and your partner do not plan to have any more children.
– You and your partner don’t want to have children and you can’t or don’t want to use temporary methods of family planning.
– You want a permanent, one time method of contraception.
– You (or your partner) have a medical condition that limits the use of other family planning methods.
How Is A Vasectomy Performed?
A vasectomy is performed by one of our Consultant Urologists at our clinic. We will provide you with all the information you need about the procedure.
The private vasectomy procedure is straightforward and can be performed with only 1 visit to the clinic. If you wish to speak to the surgeon, a telephone or in person consultation can be arranged. The procedure involves sealing the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm. This stops sperm entering ejaculated fluid and the male sterilisation process is complete.
The vasectomy is carried out under local anaesthetic, taking about 15 minutes to complete and you will be able to go straight home afterwards.
How Effective Is A Vasectomy?
Vasectomy is over 99% effective, so it and female sterilisation are the most reliable forms of contraception. After a vasectomy samples are required to ensure that the vasectomy has been successful.
During this period it is recommended that you use an alternative form of contraception such as condoms to prevent the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. Once your samples show no sperm, you can stop using alternative contraceptive
Any Other Considerations?
You will need to avoid contact sports and heavy physical exercise for at least four weeks after a vasectomy.
You will also need to avoid short haul flights for 48 hours and long haul flights for 7-10 days after a vasectomy.
To schedule a consultation for a private vasectomy or if you have a NHS referral from your GP then contact us here or call us on 028 9268 0940.
A circumcision procedure involves the removal or the foreskin.
A circumcision may be appropriate for you if you experience:
· a tight non retractable foreskin – known as phimosis
· recurrent infections under the foreskin – known as balanitis
· skin disease on the foreskin and glands – such as chronic inflammation
· lesions on the foreskin.
How is a circumcision performed?
Here at our clinic we provide private circumcision procedures for our male patients.
Circumcision is performed under local anaesthetic together with a nerve block, to provide post-operative pain relief. You will be awake for the procedure.
We use dissolvable stitches to attach the skin of the penis to below your glans. The stitches usually disappear within 2 to 3 weeks.
Any other considerations?
After your private circumcision procedure you may have some bruising of the penis which may last up to 7-14 days
You may have increased sensitivity for the first 2-3 weeks. Any dressings should fall off within 24 hours. We advise patients to wear loose clothing for 2-3 days.
Flexible cystoscopy
Flexible cystoscopy is a diagnostic procedure to examine the inside of your bladder. It can also be used to take biopsies from your bladder.
A flexible cystoscopy may be appropriate for you if you have bleeding for the urinary tract, or have recurrent urinary tract infections.
How is a flexible cystoscopy performed?
A flexible cystoscopy procedure is performed under local anaesthetic as an outpatient, involving a telescopic inspection of your bladder and urethra (waterpipe).
Your urologist (or a member of their team) will briefly review your history and medications. Your urine will also be checked for any abnormalities pre-op.
The procedure begins with applying a syringe of jelly containing local anaesthetic into your urethra (waterpipe). The cystoscope will be placed into your urethra and on into your bladder.
Men sometimes find the passing of the telescope through the prostate a little painful, this only lasts a few seconds.
Once the telescope is in place, we run sterile saline slowly into your bladder so as to inspect all the bladder lining. We remove the telescope completely once we have completed the examination which only takes a few minutes.
Following your flexible cystoscopy procedure, your Surgeon will explain any findings with you and/or your family.
Any further tests or scans will be arranged if required. You will then be able to get dressed, attend the bathroom, and head home.
Any other considerations?
During the next 24-48 hours you may experience some burning and bleeding when you pass urine.
You should drink twice as much fluid as you would normally for the first 24-48 hrs to flush your system.
Should you develop a fever, severe pain on passing urine, inability to pass urine you should contact Orthoderm Clinic or your GP.
To make a private urology appointment call 028 9268 0940
Preputioplasty Surgery
Preputioplasty is a surgical procedure performed to widen a tight foreskin. It is generally done to treat phimosis while preserving the foreskin.
A tight foreskin can be released or treated through either circumcision or preputioplasty. Circumcision removes the foreskin while preputioplasty releases the tight band on the foreskin. A foreskin that does not pull back fully can cause recurring infections, tears, and be painful.
Preputioplasty surgery allows a boy or a man to keep an uncircumcised appearance but frees the area of tension, thus allowing for full retraction. The first step is a consultation appointment with our doctor for an assessment of your case.
How is a preputioplasty performed?
The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic in our clinic. Incisions are made in the foreskin to release the constricting ring of tissue.
These are then closed and stitched such that the foreskin has full mobility. Local anaesthetics are applied to perform preputioplasty – first a topical anaesthetic and then a nerve block injection.
A Y-shaped incision is made in the foreskin to release the tight band. The incision is stitched closed in a V shape which results in loosening the tight ring of the foreskin.
Dissolvable stitches are used, which usually disappear within two to three weeks. The penis is wrapped in a loose bandage which can be removed in a few days. Follow-up is scheduled in a week after the procedure.
Frenuloplasty is a surgical treatment of a short penile frenulum by dividing the skin across and re-stitching it in a lengthwise fashion.
How is a frenuloplasty performed?
Frenuloplasty surgery is carried out under local anaesthetic (where the area is numb and you are awake). We use dissolvable stitches to attach the skin of the penis to below your glans.
The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic in our clinic in Hillsborough. Incisions are made in the foreskin to release the constricting ring of tissue. These are then closed and stitched such that the foreskin has full mobility.
Any other considerations?
Patients are advised to wear loose clothing for 2-3 days.
Book Your Appointment Now
Our Urology Clinicoffers a wide range of diagnostic procedures and expert treatment plans so you can take the first step towards relief today.
Contact us now to schedule a consultation with one of our expert Urologists or call us on 028 9268 0940.

Mr Patrick Keane
Consultant Urologist

Mr John McKnight
Consultant Urologist

Mr Anthony Glackin
Consultant Urologist

Mr John O’Donoghue
Consultant Urologist