028 9268 0940
Heart problems can affect anyone at almost any age. They can be caused by a natural defect, genes or an unhealthy lifestyle.
At our private healthcare clinic in Hillsborough, our expert Consultant Cardiologist can discuss any symptoms or concerns you have regarding your heart health and help diagnose and recommend the right treatment and care for you.
When should I see a Cardiologist?
If you are having the following symptoms, your GP may refer you to a Cardiologist:
– Hypertension;
– Chest pains;
– Heart failure;
– Heart murmurs;
– Arrhythmia (heart palpitations or a heartbeat that is too slow or too fast).
It may also be recommended to see a Cardiologist if you have high cholestoral or a family history of coronary disease.
To help diagnose and manage your condition, the following tests may be undertaken:
– blood tests;
– 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG);
– blood pressure monitoring;
– chest X-ray.
Please contact the clinic regarding a quotation for consultation fees and treatment prices. We are always happy to advise on costs associated with treatment. Following your initial consultation, if further treatment, surgery or histopathology are required an estimate of costs is available on request from your treating consultant or reception staff.
To make an appointment call 028 9268 0940

Dr Ian Menown
Consultant Cardiologist