Private Pregnancy Care

Private Pregnancy Care

We offer a range of pregnancy care services including private pregnancy scans and a full obstetrics package for women. Our expert private obstetricians have years of experience and will ensure your pregnancy journey is as safe, comfortable and stress free as possible. 

Obstetrics Package and Private Pregnancy Scans

Obstetric care scan package is an essential part of our private pregnancy care that assures and supports mothers at every stage of their pregnancy. Our obstetric package provides you with expert medical advice and private supportive scans throughout pregnancy to ensure your baby is safe and healthy.

Your first appointment

When you first learn you are pregnant, you will be given an appointment with one of our expert private obstetrician consultants to discuss your medical and obstetric history.

The consultant obstetrician will meet you and scan your baby at every appointment throughout the term of your pregnancy. In addition, your Consultant may offer:

-Early pregnancy scan

-Foetal sex determination if requested

If you want to book an appointment with our expert private pregnancy care team, call us on 028 9268 0940 or contact Hillsborough Private Clinic, our sister clinic on 028 9268 8899.  

Screening for Down’s Syndrome

Hillsborough Private Clinic offer an option for mothers interested in screening their babies for Down’s Syndrome through a blood test called a Harmony Test. Unlike other screening options, this does not put your pregnancy at risk, as it is completely non-invasive and has no effect on your child. This test is available from 10 weeks and is > 99% accurate. This test will also predict the sex of your baby.

Expert and Compassionate Pregnancy Care Services

Our specialist consultant obstetricians will work to ensure your pregnancy is safe and successful, and that both you and your baby have the best medical treatment.

Our private pregnancy care services go beyond the professional; our staff members love what they do and always look forward to providing you with valuable and uncompromising service at both of our clinics in Hillsborough Village.

Whether you require a private pregnancy scan or a full obstetrics package, our skilled consultants are here to offer unrivalled care and all have decades of experience.

Orthoderm and Hillsborough Private Clinic offer private pregnancy scans in Northern Ireland and various other private pregnancy care services which include:

-Pregnancy scans up to 18 weeks: Provided by Dr. Edgar Boggs.

-Full pregnancy package: Comprehensive care by Dr. John Manderson offered in Hillsborough Private Clinic.

Your consultant obstetrician will be able to provide you with further details, including costs, depending on your individual needs.

You can find more pricing and patient information here or explore our full range of private healthcare treatments.

Book Your Appointment Today

If you would like to book a pregnancy scan or pregnancy care appointment with one of our private obstetricians, then please contact us at Orthoderm, give us a call on 028 9268 0940 or contact Hillsborough Private Clinic, our sister clinic, on 028 9268 8899.   

Ensure your pregnancy journey is safe, supported, and informed with our expert pregnancy care services at Orthoderm and Hillsborough Private Clinic.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Consultant Gynaecologist

Consultant Gynaecologist

Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Specialist State Registered Dietitian (RD)

To book or to enquire about a treatment get in touch with us.

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028 9268 0940

8am – 6pm Mon to Fri

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