NHS Patients
You may have been referred to Orthoderm for your treatment, following referral to the NHS by your General Practitioner. You will not have to pay for this treatment.
Orthoderm is a local Northern Ireland company that is engaged by the Health Trusts to arrange outpatient consultations, diagnositic investigations and surgery for patients on the NHS waiting list.
When you meet with your consultant you will inform him/her what your problem is and what treatment you may already have had. It is important that you tell your consultant any past medical history, including your current medications. If you require an x-ray this will most likely happen at the time of your first appointment. If your consultant feels that other investigations are required, such as biopsy or blood test, these will be usually done at the Orthoderm Clinic on the same day. If you require scans or nerve tests, you will receive an appointment for these at a later date. These investigations may occur at the Orthoderm Clinic or in another local hospital/facility depending on availability and suitability. Results of scans will be returned to your consultant and a review appointment will be arranged to discuss results/further treatment.
If you require surgery you will be placed on a waiting list – this will be in line with current NHS waiting times. You will be offered a date for surgery in the Orthoderm Clinic or a local Northern Ireland hospital and will be given 3 weeks notice.
Further reviews, outpatient physiotherapy and occupational therapy will be arranged by Orthoderm for you.
Your GP will be kept fully informed of your assessments and treatment. If you have any concerns or complications please contact the Orthoderm clinic during normal working hours. Should you have a complication regarding your treatment outside these hours please contact your own GP practice or attend your local A and E department. It is very important that if you have had a problem you contact Orthoderm as soon as possible after this so that we can contact your consultant and arrange further assessment if required.